Energy Benefits of Blue Solar Water

What is blue solar water?

 This week try Blue Solar Water to energize  yourself and get a little stress relief.

I have been on a rampage to drink enough water each day to really feel awesome. I came to realize that I'd been pretty much dehydrated much of the time. I know because when I drank a lot, I'd go to the bathroom all the time.

When the body is dehydrated, it's like a potted plant that's all dry. When you pour in water, it just runs out. When the soil is moist and hydrated, it stays in the pot.

So now I'm trying to drink in the range of 8 - 16 glasses of water a day. One way that's really helping me is to fill up a large container that holds 8 glasses in the AM and to always take my water from that. It helps me keep track of where I'm at in my consumption. My goal is to drink 2 of those.

Blue Solar Water 

You'll notice the 2 cobalt blue bottles on my window sill. These are the containers I use... I make Blue Solar Water which has a stronger energy field than tap water.  

Yes, it is an id...

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Help for Stress-inducing Thinking with Flower Essence Therapy

Flower Essence Therapy, the"Rescue Remedy"

I teach lots of quick tools and techniques to rein in your brain and unleash your success.  Some are energetic, some are nutritional, and some are available at your health food store.Flower essences are one of my favorite quick tricks available at your health food store.

Flower Essence therapy is the use of herbal infusions that slowly erode a negative emotion or energy, simultaneously raising up and bringing in the polar opposite positive energy or emotion. (See descriptions below)

They help improve your emotional and mental state and are very powerful and effective at quickly shifting out one's attitude. They can also be used for calming and relaxation purposes.

For parents with active or fearful children, flower essence therapy can definitely help your wee ones. They work very gently and cannot be over-consumed. These essences work at a level to bring lightness and relaxation to the body. Who doesn't want more of THAT?

Some great ones ...

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