Is Brenda Burnout Nipping at Your Heels? It’s Time to Flip the 80/20 Rule
Let’s be real—you’re working your butt off. You’re ticking off all the boxes, doing all the things the gurus told you would open the floodgates to success. Yet, instead of feeling on fire with momentum, you’re dragging.
Enter Brenda Burnout. She’s that nagging, unshakable presence when you’ve given so much of yourself to the hustle that there’s nothing left in the tank.
What if I told you there’s a better way?
What if you could feel lit up, clear, and full of energy while creating even more success? You absolutely can—by flipping the 80/20 rule on its head.
Here’s what’s likely happening: You’re spending 80% of your time grinding—emailing, creating, posting, tweaking, and overthinking—and maybe 20% (if that) on things that actually align you with your vision, like mindset work, gratitude, and embodying the version of you who already has it all.
And where h...
If you’ve ever felt like your business is stuck in a rut, spinning its wheels but going nowhere, you’re not alone. It’s one of those inevitable phases every entrepreneur goes through—one minute, you’re riding the high of new ideas and big plans, and the next, you’re staring at your to-do list, feeling like you’ve lost your mojo. But don’t worry; the stuckness is not permanent, and there’s a way out.
First things first, let’s talk about the wall. That frustrating “Why isn’t anything working?” wall that makes you question everything. You know the one. The thing is, every business owner, from the startup newbie to the seasoned pro, hits this wall at some point. The good news? It’s not the end of your journey—it’s just a signal that something needs to change.
One of the most important things you can do when you hit this wall is to admit you’re stuck. It sounds simple, but it’s powerful. Too often, we...
Have you ever felt like manifesting takes so much work and time?
Feeling a little behind the 8-ball because you are so busy "just surviving".
No worries! I gotcha covered with this Power Tip.
Today, I thought I would share a bit of insight into how to use your present NOW moment to make the most significant impact on your inner peace and create your future success.Â
It is as simple as recognizing that the only CREATIVE moment you have is the present moment.Â
Think about how much time you spend projecting worry into your future, which is undoubtedly manifesting things to worry about. How much time do you spend projecting regret, anger, frustration, or disappointment as you are thinking and reflecting on your past?
Whatever thoughts you have in the present moment are actively creating the experience, people, money problems, or challenges in your future life!
 To counteract the impact of these negative thoughts. I have been "commanding and demanding" that a part of my brain will al...
 You live in a giant field of energy. Your thoughts have a vibration that is constantly rippling out.
 Think of a pebble…or boulder…thrown into a still glassy pond.
 The pebble is a thought that doesn’t have a lot of emotional charge.
 The boulder is something that has BIG emotional charge.
 That ripple effect flavors this field and creates the ease or resistance that surrounds every action you take.
 When you are throwing boulders in of “This is hard” “I don’t have the skills” “No-body will listen to me” “I’m not good enough” I’m not worthy”…there are fucking whitecaps of struggle energy on the pond interfering with the energy behind your efforts.
 There is no sense taking action in that energy field.
 How can you do that? Simple my dear.
The other day I was talking to a friend and she was saying how she was working really hard but wasn't too thrilled with her results.Â
I asked her how much ENERGY work she was doing in relationship to the EFFORTING work. She said..."Um...none".
"Well, darlin' - you got it all switched around then!"
I went on to tell her my 60/40 rule when first starting out on a big goal. Watch the video below where I explain how I pursue a big goal and then shift the focus the further in I am.
Try this method and let me know if it makes sense and makes a difference in how your efforting works. I love to hear from you or to help you fine-tune something. You can reach me here
If you love this, subscribe to my Youtube Channel and make sure you hit the notifications bell to stay in action with traction with my tips and tools.
January is a time where we are all dialed into our New Selves.
We set goals, we dream of new habits and behaviors, and we start out all gung-ho.
In this video, I share my "Magic Frame" and how I use it to keep my brain focused on the behaviors or ways of being that I want to strengthen, develop, and embrace as I live my life.
This is a simple way to enhance and speed up your goal achievement that supports the neuroscience of creating change in ourselves.Â
It is one of my favorite and most simple success strategies that is enhanced with the use of EFT.
Have you noticed how when you think about your goal, you often get a willy-nilly glitching in your gut?
Say "Hello" to resistance.
It's the energy that stops the manifestation that you are trying to achieve.
The more stressed out we are, the more frequently we feel that resistance, because the stress hormones that have accumulated in our body make it hard to feel empowered, think positively and happily, to be in flow, and "in the vortex". (The Vortex is a term Abraham Hicks uses for that state of energy that is the creative force)
We get downright toxic just living life.
Complaining and negative thinking, insomnia, booze, chemical additives, EMF's, preservatives, watching the news....on and on it goes.
It's a virtual assault on our mojo on a daily basis unless you finely attune your mind and your body to a high vibe state.
So here are 7 affirmation starters to help you get your Emotional vibration jacked-up - which is the key to POSITIVE manifestation.
We all know about the Law of Attraction and how it can support...OR SABOTAGE...your dreams and success.
In my latest video, I explain what I call my "Jello Bowl" analogy.
This information is pivotal to leveraging your energy and your thoughts to support the actions you take towards your success.
When I teach this, people suddenly have a much greater understanding of why they are where they are, and more importantly, how to start changing the ease and speed of their goal attainment and their dreams.
Bambi Thompson teaches success-oriented women how to leverage brain science, mindset, the human energy body, and the Law of Attraction to dismantle limitation and unleash power, confidence, and momentum.
There's a basic practice many success-oriented people use to stay in their peak potential. Read 10 pages of self-development every day.
 The reason is that we all know that:
1. Think Yourself Rich - use the power of your subconscious mind to find thru wealth by Joseph Murphy
This book has stories about people with all the common challenges in life that create stress and fear. Joseph explains how he had his clients use a specific "scientific prayer" or affirmation statement that unleashed the person's situation and brought in all kinds of goodn...
In order to stay in your mojo, you've got to manage the contraction of your energy field that is created when you are experiencing anxiety, or have a fearful thought ("I'll never be able to pay that car bill this week!") , see something that scares you (a car accident) , overhear something that freaks you out ("Did you hear that they are going to lay off 12 people from the department next month?") Â etc. etc.
Life throws us zingers and energy crunchers all the time. Having a tool to neutralize unwanted and uncomfortable energies and thoughts is a game changer for staying in action with traction. Â When our energy field is contracted with worry, we can't manifest things very powerfully with the Law of Attraction. Our magnetism is compromised for good things and is amplified for unwanted things, and who wants THAT?
Here's a quick video tutorial for how to use EFT in a fast way that doesn't require all that fancy ...
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