Life's Abundance - Creating Your Wonderful Life

Grab hold of life's abundance and start creating the wonderful life you were meant to live.

Honestly, that is what the Universe/ God/ Great Spirit/  the big Kahuna in the Sky wants for you. No, actually designs for you; a life full of abundance. 

The problem is, our thoughts disturb the flow of life's abundance, wealth, love, health, and joy which is pointed right at our "inbox" of life.

So darn it, we suffer, we struggle, we believe in and experience scarcity. When you realize this, you can begin to really work on honing some powerful skills to switch out the thinking that you do.  Most of us are so wired to worry that it's nearly impossible to even configure some nice happy thoughts.

I was that person once upon a time, back in 1997 when I had debilitating Panic Disorder.  I actually couldn't hold a positive thought for longer than 6 seconds before anxiety shut me down again. Yes folks, I had a stopwatch to test the phenomenon. However, once I...

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Quick and Easy Anxiety Relief Technique

“Stop Light” Anchoring Technique for quick anxiety relief.

With all of the chaos of today's world, we can often feel apprehensive, feel that icky butterfly/queasiness in our bellies, feel exhausted, unmotivated, flat, and “lost”. When our children's fears are added in to the mix, it really ramps up our own response. The following anchoring technique is a quick way to get your body to align into a more harmonious and empowered place. It's very simple to teach our children as well.

It is something I teach my clients to overcome the feelings of fear and insecurity, exhaustion, and powerlessness so many of us live with every day.  

Visualize a stop light with the 3 colors.

Red on the bottom, yellow in the middle, and green on the top. Imagine the stop light on your body having a red light just above your pubic bone, yellow light over your heart center, and a green light on the "third eye".

Each color has an associated affirmation and intended...

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What is a Brain Coach? Q and A

What's a Brain Coach? 

When I tell people I am a Brain Coach, I often have to answer several questions.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions...

FAQ: What does that mean?

It means I get your brain working for you and not against you.  I teach you how to work with your thoughts and your belief wiring to get your brain on board, supporting your goals, and unleashing new levels of performance, confidence, and security so you can accelerate your success.  I'm the FIRST coach anyone should hire because it's the brain that makes you able to utilize what other coaches teach you, so you can stay in action with traction and not stall out in overwhelm and self-sabotage.

FAQ: So you're like a Life Coach, right?

While working with me certainly changes your life, I'm more about mastering your thoughts, re-wiring your beliefs, and working with the mechanics of your brain to optimize yourself and your energy of success. My training is vastly different. I am an...

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Abundance and Gratitude: Hitting Your Prosperity Zone

How's your abundance and gratitude lately? Have you hit your prosperity zone?

Ever notice that when you focus on achieving a goal, you focus on all the things that you haven’t done yet, what you haven’t achieved yet, what you don’t have yet… All the things that create dissatisfaction, pressure, stress, and bummer feelings and energy?

What’s up with that?

We never celebrate our baby steps towards the goal, the daily tasks that we accomplished that are taking us ever closer and closer. No.

We just focus on our shortcomings and limitations. Especially in the arena of money, abundance and prosperity I had a real eye opener the other day and I had to chuckle.

For years I have been working on building my abundance and gratidude consciousness, and my wealth awareness. Years of studies, lots of energy healing work, hours upon hours of visualization and affirmations.  

I always focused on trying to live with wealth consciousness in order to have more...

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6 Most Effective Steps to Making Difficult Decisions

Indecision when faced with difficult decisions, is a total mojo killer. 

When making difficult decisions it totally drains you, and wastes your time. When chronic, it creates anxiety and depression.

If you're constantly making difficult decisions but can't seem to choose, that indecision just plain squelches your self-confidence.

Many of my clients have problems with decision making, probably because it's one of my weak points. "As within, so without" kinda stuff. I'm a bright and shiny object person with a VERY active and creative mind. I have had to ramp that quality down to become a successful entrepreneur.

I have found these 6 steps to be most effective and help me immensely when faced with having to make a difficult decision.

1. First I place both options in a win-win model. When trying overcome indecision, instead of looking at all the bad "what-if's", I look at the benefits of each option. This opens my mind to what is possible, what can be gained,...

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Regain your Power by Changing your "Stress Mindset"

These simple phrases will help you regain your power in your business. 

A change in stress mindset is how you regain that inner power.

Whenever I uplevel my business, I uplevel myself in the process. It's inevitable really.  Afterall, isn't being an entrepreneur just one big self-development lab?

It doesn't mean it's always comfortable or fun.

In fact, growth is often accompanied by the old "Amygdala Hijack"- fear, insecurity and doubt, firing off the morning after you dialed in your next brilliant move in your business.

That phenomenon drives me nuts! I go to bed on fire, and I wake up a blithering pool of self-doubt and overwhelm.

It's like my brain literally turns into someone else's- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde stuff. It's crazy making.

A flood of cortisol is never a good way to start the day. It robs us of our energy, our confidence, our creativity, our drive. It's nasty stuff, that cortisol.

I got a reminder from nature this morning, when in the hot tub, of how to...

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6 Ways Smiling Can Boost Your Business Confidence

Smiling for success. Boost your biz by boosting your business confidence. 

I’m sure you’ve heard that smiling is good for your health, but did you know it can also work wonders for your business success!? Yup, start smiling for success.

As an entrepreneur you want to portray a certain image of yourself. You want to appeal to your audience, be able to engage with them, and want them to see you as approachable.

You want to get people to feel comfortable to contact you. When people trust you, they listen to you. Being able to successfully and positively engage with both clients and other business prospects, is essential for business growth.

There are many ways to grow in your success and smiling is definitely one of them. Easy enough right?

Here are 6 ways smiling can help can help boost your business confidence.  

1. Smiling makes us more approachable – A positive disposition draws people. If you’re smiling it gives a positive impression, making...

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4 Steps to Letting Go of Resentment

Letting go of resentment can be hard.

Now, if you've ever had a healing session where you released some resentment about something, you've probably experienced some initial exhaustion, then a growing lightness or vigor.

The exhaustion is because harboring negative emotions is a great strain on your body. When the strain is relieved, your body suddenly heaves a BIG sigh of relief and kind of collapses.

We don't realize how exhausting it is to carry all these burdens.

Many of my clients don't know how to access or move into a place of forgiveness, because it's so foreign a thought. So to get you started in being able to let go, I've broken it into 4 different steps.


1. Get in a quiet place. Find a spot where you won't be disturbed. This could be anywhere that works for you. For me, sometimes being outside in the woods, surrounded by nothing but trees with a nice rock to sit on, works best. Maybe you have a favorite chair inside or on your...

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Meditation for Entrepreneurial Success

Meditation is great for Entrepreneurs and boosting personal and business success.


When we are working ourselves to the bone to get to the next level of our success, it is important to take time to re-boot ourselves, our brains, our energy, and our nervous systems.

Meditation is a great way to do that.

If you are like me, that word meditation may invoke images of tortured sitting, screaming back pain, insane thoughts going around in my mind as I try to sit in "silence". I frigging hate that form of meditation. Yet all my life, being wired to worry, I have been told I need to meditate.  

When life handed me panic disorder on a seismic scale, believe me I gave meditation a whirl. I finally found what worked for me and so I share it now.  

I needed to engage my mind, not silence it, but engage it in a structured, empowering, and calming way.  

Images, aromatherapy, sound, and concepts that brought me peaceful images worked like magic. I've now taken that into my...

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6 Tips on How to Enjoy Work From Home and STAY Productive

Many of us enjoy work from home, but sometimes we try so hard to stay productive we end up doing more damage then good.

We try to stay focused for way longer and harder than we should. Often we think being productive is accomplishing as many different tasks as we can in too short a time frame, but is this definition of productivity actually bettering your business?

Do you enjoy it?

How do you feel staring at a computer screen, constantly writing notes or researching ALL DAY, only getting up for a drink or the toilet? 

It's draining! Not to mention totally boring. 

You've got to know how to enjoy work AND get shit done. You don't need to be mentally and physically drained at work.

These are 6 power tips on how to enjoy work, all the while staying focused and being even more productive.

1. Start by doing something for you. When you sit down to work, put on beautiful music, have fresh flowers on your desk and/or even burn some aromatherapy. This first step is to get...

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