In order to stay in your mojo, you've got to manage the contraction of your energy field that is created when you are experiencing anxiety, or have a fearful thought ("I'll never be able to pay that car bill this week!") , see something that scares you (a car accident) , overhear something that freaks you out ("Did you hear that they are going to lay off 12 people from the department next month?") etc. etc.
Life throws us zingers and energy crunchers all the time. Having a tool to neutralize unwanted and uncomfortable energies and thoughts is a game changer for staying in action with traction. When our energy field is contracted with worry, we can't manifest things very powerfully with the Law of Attraction. Our magnetism is compromised for good things and is amplified for unwanted things, and who wants THAT?
Here's a quick video tutorial for how to use EFT in a fast way that doesn't require all that fancy ...
Have you ever thought about how various compartments in your life are either bringing you joy and energy, or depleting the hell out of your mojo. I like to think of them as rooms of a house.
Our success is greatest when we have balance in our lives, professionally, personally, physically, spiritually, mentally, romantically. This balance means we have our energy optimized and available for our use to unleash and accelerate our success- in any arena of life.
I see each area listed above as a room in my House of Success.
When I speak, I take my audiences through a little exercise of looking at a house template with the following rooms: anxiety, depression, sleep, money, relationships, and health.
I have them color each room in if they have stress or discontent in them- on a scale of 1-10. The room will be clean and clear if there are no issues in that area,(a zero) or it will...
Every day is a challenge when you’re like me and dedicated to staying in an optimistic and peaceful place. We are so surrounded by negativity, pessimism, hopelessness, and fear. It takes a lot of work and a variety of tools to stay in balance. For me, staying peaceful and happy is particularly essential because it really affects my outer appearance. As a healer and coach I HAVE to look radiant, healthy and happy, because lets think about it; Would YOU go to a healer who looks stressed out, unhealthy, full of anxiety, stress and depressed?
I am my best advertisement, for when people hear about the severity of the suffering I experienced with Panic Disorder back in 1997, they can't believe I'm the same person. "You're so sparkly, happy, and calm!" Yep! My sanity system, the other tools I teach and the healing I do really does work!
(Authentic Marketing at it's very best) I work with myself...
Knowing how to stay resilient in a world as busy, stressful and chaotic as today, is essential for overcoming stress and anxiety. Resiliency, to me, means being able to bounce back to my happiness, hope, emotional balance, and energetic power when stresses and challenges derail me. Life can be pretty hairy at times. Just tune into the news these days and you're apt to be swept away by a torrent of fearful, cortisol -inducing dark thoughts of the future. Personally, I avoid that practice like the plague.
Tuning into the news that is. It's never served me to focus on what's wrong, what's dangerous, or what's about to change the course of our lives in horrible ways. As a manifesting maven, I'm way too powerful with my energy field to have it blasting out fear, doubt, and negativity. From an energetic perspective, that only serves to contribute to the chaos. Now, I'm sure I'm not the only one when I say that I can't stand being around some...
So one of the major breakthroughs I've had lately in my life is demanding of myself and finding balance in my life between the work and the play. Isn't that an interesting choice of words ("demand of myself")..actually as I wrote that it kind of startled me. Isn't that what being the creator of our lives is all about? Demanding things of ourselves.
Letting go of sabotaging thoughts and patterns, to step into the abyss of new territory, to seek excellence and the happy path.
For me I have demanded balance in my life. This meant sometimes doing nothing but relax, when I really needed to be meeting a deadline. Magically the deadlines are always met.
Maybe it was saying "yes" to my husband or teenage daughter when I really wanted to be catching up on work. The happiness and love I received from that choice more than powered up my catching up.
Productivity is such a hot topic in this busy age of scrambling to make a living, to deal with all the responsibilities and distractions that are constantly bombarding us. We don't even realize how much cortisol we are always producing.
It's something we all need to consider if we are serious about our success.
The unfortunate thing is that most people's approach is to work harder and longer, which is contrary to what I teach my clients.
The pressure of that approach creates a chronic state of stress on the body and a continuous flood of cortisol - the stress hormone that wreaks havoc in our body.
It's just a matter of time until you are exhausted, drained, not sleeping, feeling like sh*t, and just burned out or worse - depressed, dealing with anxiety, or really sick.
As a brain coach for success acceleration, I'm all about getting the brain on board with our happiness, health, wealth, and success. I'm all about the m...
Living in these times requires a lot of tools to navigate the conditions, the emotions, and the energies that surround us on a daily basis. Skillsets to preserve our vitality and health, our prosperity consciousness, and our joy.
Much of my work with clients is about neutralizing the causes and triggers of their anxiety in their body so they can live their life with greater peace, power, confidence, and hope.
There are all kinds of things that trigger us. When that trigger is felt is when it can be transformed, but sometimes our body really resists letting it go because whatever "IT" is has been a part of who we are for so long it's afraid to be without it.
Our identity is tied up in these beliefs or fears.
"Who will I be without this struggle?"
The unknown is scary and our brain doesn't like it. Often our subconscious mind thinks it's keeping ...
This week try Blue Solar Water to energize yourself and get a little stress relief.
I have been on a rampage to drink enough water each day to really feel awesome. I came to realize that I'd been pretty much dehydrated much of the time. I know because when I drank a lot, I'd go to the bathroom all the time.
When the body is dehydrated, it's like a potted plant that's all dry. When you pour in water, it just runs out. When the soil is moist and hydrated, it stays in the pot.
So now I'm trying to drink in the range of 8 - 16 glasses of water a day. One way that's really helping me is to fill up a large container that holds 8 glasses in the AM and to always take my water from that. It helps me keep track of where I'm at in my consumption. My goal is to drink 2 of those.
You'll notice the 2 cobalt blue bottles on my window sill. These are the containers I use... I make Blue Solar Water which has a stronger energy field than tap water.
Yes, it is an id...
What happens when someone's silly and playful? Wild, wacky, and ridiculous? There's laughter of course, but there's something more. There are smiles. I'm not referring to a grimace here folks. I mean a real SMILE! A "Duchenne" Smile which gets the wrinkles at your eyes. (Look it up!) Believe it or not there are many health benefits of smiling.
These smiles are magical things! HEALING things, Just look at the list...
With all of the chaos of today's world, we can often feel apprehensive, feel that icky butterfly/queasiness in our bellies, feel exhausted, unmotivated, flat, and “lost”. When our children's fears are added in to the mix, it really ramps up our own response. The following anchoring technique is a quick way to get your body to align into a more harmonious and empowered place. It's very simple to teach our children as well.
It is something I teach my clients to overcome the feelings of fear and insecurity, exhaustion, and powerlessness so many of us live with every day.
Red on the bottom, yellow in the middle, and green on the top. Imagine the stop light on your body having a red light just above your pubic bone, yellow light over your heart center, and a green light on the "third eye".
RED is “I am SAFE." Red represents...
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