3 Ways Kissing Can Reduce Stress

Kissing...It's a fabulous way to reduce stress!

We all love it - the way it feels, the way it looks, the memories it sparks, the physical sensations it fills us with. OOO eeeee... Kissing rocks, lets face it! A make-out sesh can work magic with the old bartender in our brains that I'm always talking about.  Kissing orders us up some awesome cocktails. Check this out!

  1. The physical excitement may prompt your brain to release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure.  (Who doesn't want more of that?)
  2. While that's going on, other parts of your brain are quieting down negative emotions that might have been rattling around.
  3. Another benefit of a luscious lip-lock is that your pituitary gland releases oxytocin - the "bonding hormone".  Kick up the oxytocin level and you feel relaxed and content, and even more!  Your body starts to reduce stress, induces sleep, helps socialization, and fosters generosity. What's not to like?

So my advice people?- start kissing more!  Feel less stressed, feel happier, sleep better, and spread the love!  

And the beautiful thing is... visualizing and imagining it will do the same thing so no worries if you're partner-free right now... feel the love anyway! 

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