What if you could replace your insecurity and doubt with inner peace, excitement, and motivation
GET on the waitlist to be the first to know and to get some special "waitlist only" treats.
Darlin' this experience is for YOU!
As a solopreneur, it can be lonely, overwhelming, exhausting, and downright frustrating AF!
You bust your ass trying to get to that next level. Frustration, imposter syndrome, and burnout regularly creeps in.
You KNOW you have so much more potential inside of you, but you can't seem to get out of your own damn way.
The Rebel CEO blueprint will show you how to play the entrepreneurial game a whole NEW WAY!
Here's an opportunity to expand and grow with other solopreneur sisters and to celebrate our manifestations and feel the momentum.
We'll train our brains, bust our blocks and shift our "anxious/ controlling" approach to success to an "awesome/ in flow" EXPERIENCE of success.
Enter your info below, and you'll be the first to know when the BETA run of the Rebel CEO Blueprint opens its doors. We'll even get your "badasseriness" going with some hacks and tools in the meantime.
The Rebel CEO Blueprint is for you if you're ready to learn the formula that will obliterate your obstacles, ignite your momentum, and own your profitability. We're talking confidence, goal achievement, and self-worth boosting baby. Oh yeah...and learning how to employ your joy as a success strategy!!!
This is the perfect playground to land at if:
1. You've got your business up and running pretty well...you know you're a ROCKSTAR but your results just don't match your potential. You need to bust some blocks that slow your progress.
2. You love woo, but know there's more to success. You crave the structure of systems and strategies that work alongside your woo rituals.
3. Your brain is your worst enemy many days and you sure would love to re-program that baby to SUPPORT your success instead of SABOTAGE it.
4. You love energy work, meditations, EFT, and affirmations but can't always figure out the ones that will really unleash your mojo.
5. You crave a sisterhood of other Unicorn Entrepreneurial Empresses that will support each other and hold each other accountable to unleash their greatness.
6. You are a bit disorganized, unfocused, and inefficient. You are ready to rein in your brain and optimize your productivity!
7. You'd love to feel more empowered and peaceful in your relationship with the ebb and flow of money in your life
8. You realize you are using this Law of Attraction thing to make it your saboteur and not your ally for your dreams and goals.
9. You are killin' it and are ready to work with your energy and the Quantum Field for EVEN MORE ease, joy, money, and FUN!.Â
" "Bambi has an energy that speaks directly to my core. Her intuition pinpointed what immediately helped jumpstart a renewed drive that I needed. She has helped me let go of the negative aspects and focus on the positive aspects that have propelled my business to be more successful! Since I started my work with Bambi, my health, wealth and aspirations are just FALLING into place. I am amazed at how her coaching has brought to my life the things I have been wishing for! The overall happiness that I feel on a day-to-day basis continues to pay itself forward to brighter and better things! She inspires in me all I can be and more and she can do the same for you!" "
" "Before working with Bambi, I was dissatisfied with my current job and feeling powerless to create positive changes in my life. I gained weight, became depressed, and succumbed to negative thinking. When I began working with her, I started to see results immediately. After our first session I felt incredibly hopeful and like my depression had lifted. I also received real strategies to help me in my day-to-day struggles at work, with my dealings with food, and in my relationships. Thanks to Bambi, I manifested the perfect wedding and was gifted with the perfect honeymoon trip to California. I am now on the way to launching a new company and releasing myself from my old work environment. I am empowered!" "